As I mentioned in my last blog a six year writing stint for Minnesota Out Of Doors became my big break in getting my material published. That experience led to the production of the three volumes of Children In The Outdoors and an opportunity to travel the four state area putting on teacher workshops. But nothing lasts forever. In 1991 the magazine had financial problems and after a discussion with the editor I decided to retire the column. I did…..
I remember the day I decided to become an author. I was in the sixth grade and several classmates and I were gathered around a bulletin board viewing bird reports. Our teacher Mrs. Sager had placed several especially well written ones on display and mine was one of them. What happened next demonstrates the power each of us has with our words. One of my classmates, I don’t even remember which one of my female classmates it was but she…..
It was forty years ago that I became determined to begin writing children’s literature. It had been a dream of mine since I was a sixth grader. But the question was how does one get started? I was constantly on the look out for a possible site that would publish my work. In fact my hometown paper the Clinton Northern Star was kind enough to let me do several nature columns that I called “Through Nature’s Window”. It was my…..