Often when it is time to write a blog there is no topic to write about. My brain suffers writer’s block. All I do when that happens is wait a few days and something will occur in my life that I recognize as the perfect blog. I did not have that problem this time, however. My brother-in-law, Father Stan Wieser, spent four months in the Wheaton Senior Center waiting to die. The leukemia was ravaging his red blood cells, and…..
As you are probably already aware my wife Kathie is in the Wheaton Care Center. During my frequent visits to the Center, I have been introduced to the traveling nurses. Traveling nurses have no hospital or care center to call home. Instead, they sign on to various hospital or care centers to work a set number of days and then move on to a new work site. Over the past couple of weeks, I have copied their work style. No,…..