First of all calm down! Don’t let the title of this blog cause you any concern. This blog does not contain subject matter similar to that found in the popular book from a few years back titled, “Fifty Shades of Gray” Hopefully that won’t disappoint too many of you. 🙂 The latest ‘shade of gray’ just about gave me a heart attack this afternoon as I entered our garage and the garbage can appeared to explode as a gray blur…..
Cats have been a part of my life on and off for many years. As a kid growing up on a farm the barnyard was full of cats. We all agreed they helped control the mice and having baby kittens growing up around the milking parlor was always entertaining. Kittens were always free spirits, chasing and tackling each other. They would roll around in the fresh oats straw bedding using their back legs to playfully tear their opponent apart as…..