Often when it is time to write a blog there is no topic to write about. My brain suffers writer’s block. All I do when that happens is wait a few days and something will occur in my life that I recognize as the perfect blog. I did not have that problem this time, however. My brother-in-law, Father Stan Wieser, spent four months in the Wheaton Senior Center waiting to die. The leukemia was ravaging his red blood cells, and…..
For the past thirty-seven years I have been living a dream. In sixth grade I remember classmates gathered around my writing assignment that my teacher had posted on the classroom’s bulletin board. It was a report about my favorite bird when one of my classmates said, “Mike, you are a good writer!” I’ve always enjoyed a little praise now and then. It’s good for the soul and good for one’s confidence. Thank you, classmate for making that comment as it…..
Our current President has become famous for embarrassing moments. He fell up the stairs, several times, as he attempted to reach the safety of Air Force One. Leaving the stage after a speech caused him some confusion and a sandbag tripped him on another occasion. A bicycle accident also caused further embarrassment. It is not uncommon for our leader to make confusing comments that leaves the listener more than puzzled. I must confess I have been critical of these unusual…..