I assumed my latest book Nature’s Rhyming Riddles was my first publication in poetry. However, digging through a box of memorabilia the other day I came across a 1976 June edition of the Wheaton Warrior school paper. The school’s mascot “Warriors” caused concern a few years back since it might be deemed racist. But that all quieted down as it must have passed societies’ smell test. If society would have become aware that the Wheaton Warrior’s school paper was called…..
When one is a teacher and a struggling author opportunities arise where one receives requests to speak to various organizations. Over the years I have given a variety of speeches to a wide variety of audiences. One of my early speech memories occurred when the Junior class of Wheaton High School requested that I speak at their junior/senior prom banquet. I pretended I had kept a diary of my own junior prom experiences and read portions of it to them……