The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the football coach taking a knee on the football field and having a heart to heart with God after each football game. As a Christian myself I was astonished that so many people would be upset by a coach praying in public. Now if he were out there distributing free beer or pornographic literature that would be a different story. The fact that players would join him because of peer pressure seemed laughable…..
When one is a teacher and a struggling author opportunities arise where one receives requests to speak to various organizations. Over the years I have given a variety of speeches to a wide variety of audiences. One of my early speech memories occurred when the Junior class of Wheaton High School requested that I speak at their junior/senior prom banquet. I pretended I had kept a diary of my own junior prom experiences and read portions of it to them……
Several weeks ago on Facebook a post was being shared that questioned why atheists who believe in no god insist on attacking and mocking Christians. Why does it bother them that we Christians believe as we do? Maybe God put them here to serve as “belief strengtheners” for all Christians. That post reminded me of an early Facebook experience I had with an atheist and I’d like to share it with you. Read on to discover how Facebook posts from an atheist…..