The announcement came in the mail a month or two ago and it read, “Join us for an authentic Ukrainian dinner. We’ll cast vision and seek support to forge new opportunities for READ Ministries and beyond.” Perhaps not all of you are familiar with my two books, “The Easter Sparrows” and “The First Advent” which have been published by Publishing House Smirna in the Ukraine. READ Ministries were largely responsible for bringing the two books to the Ukraine and having…..
I’ve had to do a little ‘wisdom tooth’ research over the last week and I’ve learned a few interesting things as well as undergoing some very intense pain. 🙁 Of the 32 adult teeth that once filled my mouth the years have not been kind to them. I now have many less than 32 and in fact one wing of our Wheaton Dental Clinic should be named after me considering the tooth repair and removal costs that I have donated…..
How would one become lost in the part of South Dakota that is basically flat with roads running north/ south and east/ west on all sides of mile square sections of farmland? Oh, occasionally a lake or small slough causes a twist in the road but it quickly comes back to that north/south and east/west pattern. Even without a GPS one should be able to navigate through the countryside without becoming completely lost. At least that’s how I saw it……