Often when it is time to write a blog there is no topic to write about. My brain suffers writer’s block. All I do when that happens is wait a few days and something will occur in my life that I recognize as the perfect blog. I did not have that problem this time, however. My brother-in-law, Father Stan Wieser, spent four months in the Wheaton Senior Center waiting to die. The leukemia was ravaging his red blood cells, and…..
I’m not a mechanic. I can’t fix things. If I had had the opportunity to choose my talents before I was born I probably wouldn’t have chosen it anyway. Can you imagine choosing a talent with an ending that sounds like ‘ick’! Not impressive at all. But as my life has progressed there have been many times when I wished I had the talent of a mechanic. I was reminded of that fact this spring as our dining room fluorescent…..