For the past thirty-seven years I have been living a dream. In sixth grade I remember classmates gathered around my writing assignment that my teacher had posted on the classroom’s bulletin board. It was a report about my favorite bird when one of my classmates said, “Mike, you are a good writer!” I’ve always enjoyed a little praise now and then. It’s good for the soul and good for one’s confidence. Thank you, classmate for making that comment as it…..
Being an author allows me opportunities to experience things that I would never have had the opportunity to experience. Case and point the email I received last week from an unknown Floridian. When I opened my emails in my iPad, I observed a strange site. Attached at the bottom of the first email was a photo of my children’s book “The First Advent” opened to page 34 on the left while the page on the right, if I’m remembering how…..