Being an author allows me opportunities to experience things that I would never have had the opportunity to experience. Case and point the email I received last week from an unknown Floridian. When I opened my emails in my iPad, I observed a strange site. Attached at the bottom of the first email was a photo of my children’s book “The First Advent” opened to page 34 on the left while the page on the right, if I’m remembering how…..
Last week I was sitting in the dark at 10:30 am stuffing my face with popcorn. A very strange breakfast you are probably thinking, and you would be correct. The Wheaton/Herman/Norcross football team was playing in the semifinal championship football game at the U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis the home of the Minnesota Vikings. We had the choice of riding a bumpy, noisy school bus three hours to view the game or sleep in that morning and take in the…..
A thinking iPad can be very irritating, and I’ve discovered mine has been going way beyond what my wishes would be. As we were experiencing the Pandemic crisis, I became aware that my iPad had that ability. Kathie and I received ‘the shot’ and one of Kathie’s reactions to the shot was an increase in phlegm and not just tiny amounts but multiple Kleenexes filled with the gross secretions! In the evenings as we watched re-runs of Hallmark movies Kathie…..
We’ll be celebrating Halloween this Monday and Kathie and I are especially excited about that this year. You see for the past fifteen years Halloween at our house has been extremely boring. All the neighboring farmsteads and country homes are missing the necessary Halloween participants, children! We buy a small bag of candy each Halloween knowing it will likely go untouched by little munchkins. We will be forced to eat the Milkyway and Snicker bars ourselves as no children will…..
I’m used to attempts of fraud on Facebook where all you need to do is click on a site and you will win an iPad, complete set of tools, receive a package that is being attempted to be sent to you or hundreds of other tempting offers. Of course, by trial and error I’ve discovered they are all attempts to get something from you. Be it access to your passwords or gaining the ability to have free rein of your…..
I’ve had to do a little ‘wisdom tooth’ research over the last week and I’ve learned a few interesting things as well as undergoing some very intense pain. 🙁 Of the 32 adult teeth that once filled my mouth the years have not been kind to them. I now have many less than 32 and in fact one wing of our Wheaton Dental Clinic should be named after me considering the tooth repair and removal costs that I have donated…..
All of you reading my blogs are certainly aware that I spent most of my working years as a high school biology teacher. Being aware of that fact I’m assuming that you are assuming this blog will not be discussing the finer things in the world such as 24- karat jewelry. Teachers’ salaries especially in the early years did not leave much room for blowing the monthly check on an expensive piece of 24- karat jewelry! Fortunately, my wife Kathie…..
This morning I was admiring the framed certificate hanging on our dining room wall that read, “Pinnacle Book Achievement Award”. Below that line followed the announcement, “Winner of the Category of Children Interest”. What an impressive looking award I thought but then I was reminded of the rest of the story. My artist Janine and I had indeed won the award but if I wanted to receive a certificate t0 memorialize the achievement I needed to send them some money……
I’m a little exhausted as I begin this blog. You see this past weekend we celebrated our annual Paul Lake family get together. That celebration includes many activities, great food and a wide variety of beverages. Combining that with sunshine, fresh air and much laughter several days of rest are required for our bodies to recover. So while the unretired folks are toughing it out at work today I’m relaxing in my computer chair composing another blog that may get…..
The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the football coach taking a knee on the football field and having a heart to heart with God after each football game. As a Christian myself I was astonished that so many people would be upset by a coach praying in public. Now if he were out there distributing free beer or pornographic literature that would be a different story. The fact that players would join him because of peer pressure seemed laughable…..