The world is full of fake news. I don’t know what to believe anymore. So when I heard the latest scientific discovery about dog owners I wasn’t quite sure whether to accept it or reject it as fake news. It seems research shows that dog owners have a 50% better chance of not suffering from heart ailments compared to non-dog owners. So that must mean vacuuming up all that dog hair, carrying a pooper scooper and a plastic bag for…..
As you read the title of my blog you are probably thinking, “Oh, no not another pumpkin blog!” Granted pumpkins are orange and they do take up a lot of the fall season but I’m considering something completely different. I’m talking about orange hats, orange gloves, orange jackets, orange coveralls and perhaps even orange underwear although I have never checked that out to be sure. Yes, once again it’s deer hunting season in Minnesota. Pickups and cars are parked in…..
We took a vacation this weekend. It was a short one. I had seen a post on Facebook from Kathie’s high school friend about a Jimmy Fortune concert to be held in the big town (1000 residents) of Parker, SD. I enquired about the tickets and found out some were still available. Now you are probably wondering who Jimmy Fortune is and why we would be willing to travel to the hinterlands of South Dakota to attend his concert. He was the…..
Over thirty years ago when we moved from our house in town to our newly built country home I brought along an unusual object. I don’t know why for sure but I just couldn’t part with it. It was a twelve foot white picket fence that stood next to our stucco garage in town. Even back in 1980 I was an environmentalist and had a love and concern for our earth. So it didn’t take me long to figure out…..
As I sit here typing this blog I look out my office window and see a sea of orange covering our lawn. Pumpkins: large ones, medium sized ones, small ones, orange ones, warty ones, white ones, and red ones all lined up neatly with a sign in front of each line indicating the price. For nineteen years this has been the fall tradition at our house and the community expects it and looks forward to it. I would be a rich man if I received…..
When I was a child every morning our Mother would lead us in the same prayer, “Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love entrusts me here. Ever this day be at my side to light to guard to rule and guide.” I’m not sure I believe in guardian angels at this point in my life. When I was a young boy my Mom insisted on their presence and she was backed up by a whole host of ‘penguin dressed’ nuns. So I assumed…..
It’s been a busy past few weeks nurturing the family tree. Sometimes in our complex world that’s an activity that can get neglected. Thanks to our son Steve and his wife Sara we have been for able to do some nurturing at their lake home on Paul Lake near Perham, MN. It’s become a tradition that the first week in August we all gather at Steve and Sara’s lake home for some family time. That includes hours of tubing, water skiing,…..
Ever since I was a small child I considered myself an entertainer. I remember excusing myself from the supper table when I was about eight or nine and I made some silly departing comment that caused my family to roar with laughter. Scientists have since discovered that such activities cause the brain to release ‘feel good’ chemicals called endorphins. I learned at an early age entertaining others made me feel good. My earliest memory of entertaining an audience occurred during my junior…..
I know I shouldn’t downplay the climate change idea but I live in the middle of North America so the rising seas aren’t going to affect me. Currently my pumpkin patch is not suffering from a drought. Since I live in Minnesota famous for its brutal winters I’d even enjoy a little winter weather moderation. I am currently under a more serious attack and it has nothing to do with changing climates. I am having a problem with the critters currently living…..
I know what you’re thinking. This blog writer has lost it! Memorial Day is approaching and he’s writing a blog about getting ready for Halloween. Give me a second and I can explain. What is the major decoration or symbol for Halloween? No, I’m not speaking of witches, ghosts, corn shocks, black cats or corn mazes. They are all an important part of the Halloween celebration but it wouldn’t be Halloween without pumpkins. Now where do you suppose pumpkins come from? They don’t just appear magically…..