It’s blog time and for the last few days I have been struggling to come up with an idea for a blog topic. Then I went for “caramel roll Thursday” at our local Senior Citizens Building and ‘bingo’ a discussion with a fellow retired teacher triggered memories that are certainly blog worthy. I started teaching in 1967 when many rules that now exist weren’t even thought of yet. Animals in the classroom comes to mind. In today’s classrooms living conditions…..
You may have guessed by the title of this blog that music will be the main topic of discussion. Yes, it is critique time for the concert we attended yesterday evening. I’m not a Bach or Mozart enthusiast. Gaither, country and folk music are really my go to music if I want to kick back and relax. So you can see my trepidation when last evening’s Chautauqua Concert featured five women playing a variety of stringed instruments along with a…..
What a pleasant surprise I received as I stepped into the shower this morning. The warm stream of water was very powerful and actually massaged my back as it cascaded off and disappeared into the shower drain. “That’s right, the Kinetico man was here yesterday,” I murmured to myself as I stood and enjoyed the powerful spray of warm water pelting my back. Our water softener man had made one of his biannual visits to replace drinking water cartridges and…..
I assumed my latest book Nature’s Rhyming Riddles was my first publication in poetry. However, digging through a box of memorabilia the other day I came across a 1976 June edition of the Wheaton Warrior school paper. The school’s mascot “Warriors” caused concern a few years back since it might be deemed racist. But that all quieted down as it must have passed societies’ smell test. If society would have become aware that the Wheaton Warrior’s school paper was called…..
Have you seen the movie American Underdog yet? Kathie and I viewed it a couple weeks ago and really enjoyed it. The movie tells the story of Kurt Warner and his struggles to play quarterback in the NFL. He was a very successful high school football player in Iowa but when he went to college it wasn’t until his fifth year that he had the opportunity to become the starting quarterback. But even then he had to badger his coach…..
I am a simple man who speaks simple words. It has never been my expectation to ever become a writer that others would quote. But this Christmas to my surprise we received a lovely gift from our daughter and on that gift was a quote that did originate from me. Amazing! Our daughter was reading comments I had made on Facebook and most of those comments are certainly not designed to be lasting words of wisdom. Most of my Facebook…..
Merry Christmas to all of my blog friends. I have a special gift for you in today’s blog. Maybe this gift will put you in the Christmas spirit especially if you are struggling to get there. My book Holiday Adventures for Kids celebrates nine different holidays each represented by a story. Normally at this point I would direct you to my website but how silly of me. If you are reading this blog you already are at my website. 🙂…..
Yes, I realize I am the author of eight books but that doesn’t mean at times writing can’t become a big chore for me. The month of December over the past few years has turned into the month of writer’s cramp. Technically typing on my computer probably doesn’t produce writer’s cramp like it would if I were writing with paper and pencil. Writer’s fatigue might be a more accurate description. In December three members of our family celebrate birthdays. Instead…..
Last weekend around 6:45 am I was awakened to someone or something licking me in the face. Was Kathie dreaming about licking a giant Sugar Daddy sucker? (Remember those big brown hunks of delicious taffy- like suckers? You didn’t dare chew them or the sticky candy would remove every crown in your mouth or any loosely fitting teeth as well.) As my brain began to shake off the cobwebs of sleep I realized our daughter’s dog Millie was perched on…..
I know what you are thinking. Census? Doesn’t this guy realize that the census collecting process took place months ago? Let me explain. This is a very unusual type of census. You see I am a member of the Traverse County Sportsman’s Club which is a local club that has been around for many years and contains several hundred members. Our county is one of the least populated counties in the State of Minnesota. So to have that large of…..