This morning I was admiring the framed certificate hanging on our dining room wall that read, “Pinnacle Book Achievement Award”. Below that line followed the announcement, “Winner of the Category of Children Interest”. What an impressive looking award I thought but then I was reminded of the rest of the story. My artist Janine and I had indeed won the award but if I wanted to receive a certificate t0 memorialize the achievement I needed to send them some money……
I’m a little exhausted as I begin this blog. You see this past weekend we celebrated our annual Paul Lake family get together. That celebration includes many activities, great food and a wide variety of beverages. Combining that with sunshine, fresh air and much laughter several days of rest are required for our bodies to recover. So while the unretired folks are toughing it out at work today I’m relaxing in my computer chair composing another blog that may get…..
The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the football coach taking a knee on the football field and having a heart to heart with God after each football game. As a Christian myself I was astonished that so many people would be upset by a coach praying in public. Now if he were out there distributing free beer or pornographic literature that would be a different story. The fact that players would join him because of peer pressure seemed laughable…..
Marty entered my life when he bounced into my 7th grade Life Science classroom many years ago. He was a tiny red head with a mischievous grin. It didn’t take long to discover Marty was burdened with a serious physical condition. His Mom had contracted German measles while she was carrying him. The virus caused serious damage to Marty’s eyes. Although he was able to see very large images, although not clearly, he was considered to be legally blind. His…..
Now the title of this blog may lead you to think we live in a very large house. You would be wrong. Our little country home if 30′ X 30′. It consists of a walk out basement and a second floor containing the bedrooms, a bathroom and my office. How in heavens name can one get lost in such a tiny house? Let me explain. It was one of those stormy evenings. The television was continually interrupting its programming to…..
Standing just outside our living room window next to the patio we have a small “Bird Walmart”. It consists of a six- foot post wrapped in shiny tin to discourage the proverbial squirrel’s attempts to climb the slippery surface and stuff their furry little faces with sunflower seeds. Attached to the post is a metal pole for hanging flower baskets. There are no flower baskets attached however. Instead hanging on one of the hooks is my latest up to date…..
It was fifty years ago this spring that it happened. It was one of those happenings that will stick in your mind until life ebbs and one leaves this earth to be with one’s maker. Kathie and I were fast asleep in our tiny one bedroom house well into our second year of marriage bliss. 🙂 It was 2:00 am April Fools morning when the fire alarm sounded. I remember jumping out of bed and peering out our bedroom window…..
Are the fish running yet? What kind of stupid question is that? I believe that question should be rephrased to ask are the fish swimming yet! In past blogs I have stated that I grew up on a farm that was mostly rocks and sloughs. That explains why ‘running fish’ might confuse me. Then I moved to our present home where sloughs are almost nonexistent and creeks, a river and Lake Traverse replaced the water holding functions of the sloughs…..
How could an old guy living in the middle of Minnesota have any involvement in the Russian/Ukrainian War you are asking yourself? Well it’s kind of a complicated story so bear with me for a few minutes and I’ll explain how I got involved. In 2010 WestBow Press released my children’s book The Easter Sparrows. At that time I was not planning to have it become embroiled in a Russian/Ukrainian War. My plan was to hopefully have the book produce…..
Spring is not for the faint of heart! It’s the only season that teases, mocks and frustrates all of us as it struggles to make its entrance and lead us to the promised land, summer. As I write this blog we are being punished by forty to fifty mile an hour wind gusts with the promise of up to six inches of the white stuff tonight and tomorrow! Our snowbanks are slowly receding and just as we begin to breathe…..