Now that is an interesting word, “Flekkefest”. It is a celebration held each summer in the scenic little town of Elbow Lake, MN. This past weekend I erected my yellow and white striped canopy tent on the courthouse lawn with the intention of selling books. The courthouse is a beautiful building, built in the late 1800’s and in later years added on t0 to make it handicap accessible while still retaining its original architecture. It sits on a hill at the…..
Last week’s visit to the Big Stone County Fair was nostalgic for me since Clinton was my hometown. This week I attended the Grant County Fair and that carried with it some nostalgia too. In 1980 my teaching job at the Wheaton High School was cut to .8 of its original position. Fortunately that cut never came to pass for unknown to me Herman High School, 17 miles down the road, was functioning without a biology teacher for that same year. So…..
Sixty years ago attending the Big Stone County Fair was an exciting event for me. Being a 4-H kid meant I would spend Thursday entering my exhibits in the 4-H building. Hopefully the paint was dry on the bird house I entered for my conservation project. The safety poster had probably been painstakingly completed the night before. No, I wasn’t a procrastinator. I was a perfectionist and slow besides! 🙂 Thursday night was long and sleep was difficult as one anticipated the…..
I started writing seriously in 1980 and have slowly progressed(and I emphasize slowly)! Here it is 2016 and if someone would ask me, “How well known are you as a writer?” How would I respond? Well my hometown of Clinton, MN is one county south of where I presently live and I did teach school at Herman High School one county east so I guess I am well known in a three county area. But for twenty years I did travel…..
Great Bend, ND has a population of 59 people but last weekend they had a celebration that swelled the population to at least four times that number. I love small towns so I decided to accept an invite to set up my white and yellow striped canopy tent and market my five books. Since I had never explored the little North Dakota town before I took a few minutes to drive around and sight see before setting up. It only took a few…..
I’m sitting in my lounge chair listening to the roar of raindrops bouncing off our patio blocks. It is a welcome sound as it has been a dry spring and the garden as well as the pumpkin crop are in need of a drink. The sound of falling rain has been music to my years for as long as I can remember. I was a farm kid so falling rain was usually a welcome sound. Of course there were occasions…..
We watched the graduation of our first grandchild today. I confess I enjoyed it more than the graduation of our own three children. I’m not sure why. With our own children I think there is a need to be “in control” which is not always possible when dealing with teenagers. It’s easier to release grandchildren to live their lives. Hopefully we will be able to experience this seven more times as seven more grandchildren continue to progress through the school…..