I was fencing today. There are two reasons for making a fence. Fences are needed to keep animals out of an area or fences are required to keep animals in an area. Today I was concentrating on keeping animals out of an area. You see it’s nearing pumpkin planting and gardening season so the battle begins between the gardener and the deer population. Deer love to eat anything I plant in the garden. They have a special fondness for pumpkins……
It was an emotional time when the decision was made to replace our aging mailbox. You see it came to us in a very special way. I forget how many years but it must have been fifteen or twenty years ago that a speeding snowplow smashed into our original mailbox and hurled it bent and broken into the snow- filled ditch. I saw the wreckage as I was on my way to work one morning and muttered, “Another job for…..
Writing books for me is kind of like being hooked on caffeine or nicotine. I just can’t quit. Of course I haven’t tried too hard either. I never know when an inspiration for a book will present itself. Several years ago I was at a craft fair selling my latest book “Holiday Adventures for Kids”. I had threatened to name that book “Amen” as I assumed it would be my last book. But as it went through the publishing process…..
I’ve been thinking about cars for the last couple of days. It all started when our granddaughter received her first car from her parents. It was kind of an Easter surprise and Kathie and I were there to witness the exciting time. The car was flashy red in color and very sporty looking. The odometer read only 37,000 miles so it was just getting broken in. Our granddaughter had not seen the car until her parents purchased it, brought it…..
You see it all the time. A parent pushing their child to be successful in some athletic endeavor so that any successes can stoke the parent’s desire for athletic success themselves. As I recall it happened to me a time or two as we were raising our own children. When I was in high school there was not a three point shot in basketball. Now I was not an outstanding basketball player at a towering 5 foot 6 inches and…..
Cats have been a part of my life on and off for many years. As a kid growing up on a farm the barnyard was full of cats. We all agreed they helped control the mice and having baby kittens growing up around the milking parlor was always entertaining. Kittens were always free spirits, chasing and tackling each other. They would roll around in the fresh oats straw bedding using their back legs to playfully tear their opponent apart as…..
I’m forced to write this blog. And why is that you ask. Well because there’s nothing else to do. The snow is falling and the wind is blowing, I’ve finished my library book and there’s nothing on the television that strikes my fancy. So as the snow piles up I’m going to spend a little time visiting with you. 🙂 I feel sorry for those ‘snowbirds’ that escape to the southern climates because they are missing a good old fashioned…..
My blogs have been limited lately and it has nothing to do with the title of this blog. I’ll get to that blog title in a minute but first I must explain my failure to produce any blogs for the last couple weeks. Kathie and I have been “teenage sitting” grandchildren, not in the Ukraine but in Mahnomen, MN. Their parents were off soaking up the sun in Jamaica while the grandparents held the fort down in the north country……
With the problems on my last blog I wasn’t able to complete the description of my ‘spiritual experience’ as I had intended. The problems have been rectified now so hopefully I can complete sharing with you. If you remember in my last blog I described my Christian development that began at the very young age of two and has continued up to the present time. I’m not an ‘in your face’ Christian. I’ve always tried to demonstrate my faith by…..
From what I understand the ‘blog architects’ are trying to add security to my blog site. As this is being done for some unknown reason I am not able to go to my normal blog site and write a blog. So I must email the newly written blog to my website where the ‘blog architects’ will post my blog.  So here goes nothing! If this blog appears on my website you will know it was a successful maneuver……