This year’s Christmas letter carried a little urgency with it. You see last year’s letter did not meet my grandchildren’s expectations. I have received many, many rejections as an author over the last thirty-eight years but nothing quite as disturbing as receiving rejections from the grandchildren! ๐ You see last year was a very full year with news and pictures and I did something unforgiveable. I did not do an update on our grandchildren. I think I spoiled them the…..
Several years ago as I was marketing my book, “Holiday Adventures for Kids” I made a terrible mistake of venturing into local libraries during their ” story hours’” for children. A book signing in a public library during story hour just seemed to make sense! However the error in my thinking soon became apparent. Since little children don’t tend to carry large sums of money with them they weren’t going to be in a position to invest in my book…..
My cousin Tom passed away last week. He was a member of my favorite side of the family. The Larson side of my family were mostly Minnesota farmers. They were Swedish, hard working and pretty serious folks. I loved them dearly and wouldn’t have traded my growing up years on the family farm for anything. The other side of my family was 100% Irish and at times as I was growing up the grass on that side seemed greener. But…..
As I type this blog the ground outside is covered with an early November snow fall and the winds are bitterly cold and gusting. I am calling a truce to the ongoing battle I have been facing throughout the spring, summer and fall with many of the critters that inhabit the same ground that I inhabit. All of us, the critters and myself included, think the area we inhabit belongs to us and not to anyone else. That’s why the…..
I began my first attempt at writing for publication about thirty-eight years ago. Needless to say my written word never made the best seller’s list in those early years and actually it hasn’t made it in the later years either. ๐ But one good thing has resulted from such a lack of success. I can proudly state that I have earned my degree as a consignment connoisseur. My first three books, Children In The Outdoors, Volumes I, II and III…..
If you read my last blog you will remember I was in the process of preparing to educate a group of 90 year old’s about the science of pumpkin farming. Since I am back at writing a blog again this week you can assume I survived that adventure. ๐ My 90 year old audience was very attentive and seemed to enjoy my presentation. I think they especially enjoyed following along as I described the pumpkin growing life cycle that I…..
You get a feeling when it’s about to happen. Someone is going to ask you to present a lesson to a group. You can never be sure what the topic will be you just know you are about to be asked. I have this sixth sense about things like that. Well last week it happened. Kathie and I were enjoying a meal at the Senior Citizen’s Center. Of course you know neither of us look old enough to be eating…..
A self-published author wears two hats. The first and most enjoyable hat is producing the written word that hopefully will be enjoyed by many readers. The second hat doesn’t always feel real comfortable perched on my head because that is the hat referred to as ‘marketing the book’. Last week I and my support staff (my wife Kathie) climbed into our Chevy Cruze and headed to St. Cloud to do a little book marketing. As we were cruising down Interstate…..
I might have already mentioned in a previous blog that when I became a Christian I was not even aware of it. My Mother told me of an incident when we were visiting our neighbors one bright moonlit night. We were standing out in their yard and our neighbor Harold was holding me.ย I was around two years old at the time. Harold teased me as he announced, “See that moon Mickey” (Yep, that’s what they called me back in…..
Today the reading from Ecclesiastes 3:1 is very meaningful to me. “There isย a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” This weekend our family came home and harvested our last pumpkin crop and it felt right. Growing pumpkins and marketing their sales along our Highway #27 has reached its twentieth and final year. Another season of my life has ended. I’ve spent some time today reminiscing about some of the other seasons of my…..