How would one become lost in the part of South Dakota that is basically flat with roads running north/ south and east/ west on all sides of mile square sections of farmland? Oh, occasionally a lake or small slough causes a twist in the road but it quickly comes back to that north/south and east/west pattern. Even without a GPS one should be able to navigate through the countryside without becoming completely lost. At least that’s how I saw it……
Being an author is becoming a pressure filled job. When I first started writing in the early 1980’s things were much simpler. I would write something that I thought was the most awesome thing that anyone had ever composed and I would excitedly prepare to send it off to a publisher. The internet had not yet been invented so communication with publishers was either by ‘snail mail’ or the telephone. So becoming published was a very personal, private experience between…..
I retired from teaching in 2001. After thirty-four years attempting to inspire middle school and high school students and instill in them a love for life long learning I decided it was time to pursue another one of my favorite pastimes, writing. For the next three years I wrote and illustrated a variety of children’s stories. Today three of them have become published books. Nature’s Christmas Story, The Easter Sparrows and Holiday Adventures for Kids are all available on Amazon…..
I was a farm kid so I learned first hand how important a rain gauge was to the farm operation. Rain was an essential ingredient for a farmer to produce a successful crop so it is obvious the farmer needs to know the amount of rainfall his maturing crops are receiving. Also knowing the amount of rainfall for each cloudburst is essential because that information needs to be shared with neighboring farmers over a steaming cup of coffee. Actually it…..
I received an unexpected message on Facebook from a woman which said, “Mike Larson I ran across in cleaning yesterday afternoon a ‘gift’ to son Peder; a manuscript of a book you authored with a personal note written on it how it was not accepted for publishing three times. Assuming it was a science gift? Any recall? I will sit down and read it!” Immediately I recognized what the request was referring to. So be patient as I explain how…..
Eight of our sixteen family members have their birthdays in the months of March and April. That’s a lot of cards to remember to buy and stuff with a little green on a normal year. Now throw in a pandemic and things get even more dicey! On top of that I saw on Facebook that Hallmark greeting cards are produced in China. Since China appears to be responsible for the unleashing of this pandemic on the world I feel I…..
On my last blog I admitted that I suffered from hypochondriac tendencies. I’ve always been told when one faces and admits his problems it is healthy mentally and often the admitted problem lessens and even disappears. Wrong! Let me explain about my wood duck house cleaning adventure. It was my hypochondriac experience of the week! I am a member of our local sportsman’s club. Shortly after joining and with a little arm twisting I and another member agreed to serve…..
The Coronavirus has been rapidly spreading around the world. Since I am in that most vulnerable age group I have been following directions and sticking close to home. The constant news coverage makes it impossible to forget for even a minute that the invisible virus is lurking seemingly everywhere. This virus uprising reminds me that I suffer from a malady that has forced me to join HA when I was but a child. “Hypochondriac Anonymous” is an organization that I…..
The Coronavirus has caused quite a stir on our little planet of late. Since we are living in the era of “fake news” it becomes difficult to be certain of the seriousness of the pesky little virus. Toilet paper has been disappearing off store shelves because supposedly China is a main producer of toilet paper. Who knew? Perhaps the lettering on the toilet paper packages should be written in Chinese that way we would all become aware of that fact!…..
I was digging through a box of old memorabilia from my Clinton High School “Rocket” years. I discovered a collection of report cards that revealed to my dismay that I was not nearly as intelligent as I remembered I was. Then there was the glass elf a souvenir from our Junior-Senior prom along with senior pictures of all of my classmates with sentimental inscriptions on the back of each reminding us of how enjoyable our years together had been. Since…..