When my two daughters suggested it was time we replaced the cabinets in the kitchen, two bathrooms, and the laundry room I wasn’t immediately thrilled. But then the cabinets began communicating with me. Yes, they did! The first communication came when a kitchen drawer stuffed with way too many hand towels, dish towels, and cooling mitts couldn’t stand the pressure anymore. One side of the front drawer just popped right off dangling inches off the floor. That got my attention……
Often when it is time to write a blog there is no topic to write about. My brain suffers writer’s block. All I do when that happens is wait a few days and something will occur in my life that I recognize as the perfect blog. I did not have that problem this time, however. My brother-in-law, Father Stan Wieser, spent four months in the Wheaton Senior Center waiting to die. The leukemia was ravaging his red blood cells, and…..
I have been spending a lot of time negotiating recently trying to gift someone my new watch. I was having little success gifting this beautiful watch until this past week and the gift was finally given! 🙂 Having been left behind in this technology crazed world I am still keeping track of time the old- fashioned way. I wear a wristwatch. I know it’s cool to carry an iPhone and whip it out of one’s back pocket when a time…..
It’s that time of the year again. The candy gathering season is over and once again the cupboards overflow with sweets. In fact, I just finished the sweet survey in our kitchen and here are the results: Rice Krispies treats, open bag of marshmallows, peppermint candy, circus peanuts, milk chocolate covered cherries, orange slices, red licorice, giant candy cane, Necco wafers, ice cream bars, and a gallon of ice cream! Hey, don’t be judging me, I hardly bought any of…..
Several blogs ago I shared my experience that I had enjoyed with our two daughters as they kidnapped me and forced me to leave Wheaton and travel with them to visit my grandson and his fiancĂ© in Boonville, Missouri. I was concerned because that would require that I leave Kathie for five days in the Wheaton Care Center. My two daughters explained to me that Kathie, who was suffering from memory loss, would not even realize I would be missing…..
It’s that time of the year again. I’ve been writing and addressing Christmas cards, and my brain is crying out for a change of pace. So, I’ve decided to give you my Christmas present a little early. I’m going to share with you the words of my first book “Nature’s Christmas Story” and then sometime during this Christmas season gather some children around and read it to them. Granted it will be missing the illustrations which are awesome by the…..
That blog title may sound a little callous but let me explain. There definitely was more to cry about than laugh about but I chose to concentrate on laughter. Sadly, Kathie passed away November 3rd. She had been the love of my life for 53 years. December 19th would have made it 54 years. I pride myself even though Kathie pleaded with me to bring her home from the Wheaton Care Center every time I went to visit her, I…..
I realized the invasion had begun when I decided to attend the high school football game in Wheaton a couple weeks ago. It was a very cold evening, so I decided to go in search of my winter boots that I had purchased a couple years ago. Barely broken in with nary a scuff mark on the black part of the boot and camouflaged material near the top. They were beauties! They were packed in a plastic container and stored…..
Daughter Jill messaged me, inviting me to take a road trip with her and her sister, Bonnie. “And where might that be?” I inquired. “Missouri”, was her reply. Jill’s and Greg’s son Logan and his fiancĂ© are living in Boonville, Missouri. Logan attends vet school in Columbia and his fiancĂ©, Laney is a FFA teacher in a neighboring town. Meanwhile I am struggling in Wheaton as Kathie tries to accept the fact that the care center is her new home. …..
My wife Kathie has been in the nursing home now, beginning her fourth month. For me it has been a painful, excruciating experience. If Kathie read this she would snort and say, “How do you think I’m feeling buster?” And she would have a valid point. Her memory loss has touched my heart like no other experience in our marriage. When I visit her in the care center her first question is, “Can I come home with you tonight?” If…..