When my two daughters suggested it was time we replaced the cabinets in the kitchen, two bathrooms, and the laundry room I wasn’t immediately thrilled.
But then the cabinets began communicating with me.
Yes, they did!
The first communication came when a kitchen drawer stuffed with way too many hand towels, dish towels, and cooling mitts couldn’t stand the pressure anymore. One side of the front drawer just popped right off dangling inches off the floor.
That got my attention.
Then the silverware drawer began to make itself known. It would come off its track and get jammed in the drawer opening.
I tugged so hard that the one side of the front drawer came loose and was suspended in space.
But luckily, I took woodshop in high school and yes that was a long time ago, but I still remember our shop teacher, Mr. Frederick, demonstrating how to repair a broken cabinet drawer.
It was quite an exciting demonstration. 🙂
With that drawer repair demonstration in mind, I rushed out to the garage and began digging through a pail containing a whole host of mostly useless items.
Then I spotted an L-shaped piece of metal with holes on either end.
I put the L-shaped piece of metal in the loose corner of the drawer, put a screw in each of the holes and “Walla” the drawer was almost good as new!
“Just don’t pull too hard when opening the wounded drawer,” I reminded myself.
About that time the cabinet in our upstairs bathroom developed a door that would wiggle loose and collapse onto the floor.
Finally, I surrendered to the idea that cabinets in our house needed some updating.
Our oldest daughter who had recently been involved with planning the building of her own home was immediately appointed as the construction boss.
I think she liked that assignment.
I know I did. 🙂
Since the cabinet update would require a plumber, an electrician, carpet layers and construction workers our house was bursting at its seams.
Some of the workers spoke the construction language. The ‘f’ word was used frequently.
Since I was sitting in the middle of their conversations I tried to block out the ‘f’ words.
I feared I may copy their word choices unknowingly and while in our church choir let one of those no-no words slip out.
My singing career would stop immediately and possibly a visit with our Bishop would be scheduled! 🙁
To get ready for the new cabinet’s arrival would require that all the old cabinets be emptied of their contents.
And did they have contents!
So, I lived among piles of cabinet dwelling stuff for at least a month.
The word hoarding was never too far from my thoughts.
I need to apologize for stating the house was bursting at the seams. After fact checking that statement, I discovered all the different construction crews were working several different jobs at the same time.
And as the old saying goes the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
I suffered several days when I was missing a crew because they were busy greasy a squeaky wheel at one of their other job sites.
As this greasing the squeaky wheel was taking place, I was left high and dry.
For the first couple of weeks, it was very stressful as I did not have a functioning sink.
Fortunately, I grew up on a farm with no running water in our house. So, I resorted to shaving habits of the fifties.
Fortunately, one shower was still functioning.
So, when shaving time arrived, I bounced out of bed grabbed a pan and filled it with shower water. Then I would lather up with soap and put the pan on the stove to get the water shaving hot.
I learned not to dilly-dolly when using the warm water to soap my face. Since the pan was sitting on the burner it didn’t take long for the water to get really hot. I came close to suffering third degree burns several times to my fingers. Ouch! 🙁
We have two bathrooms, one upstairs and one downstairs. The downstairs bathroom had the shower, and the upstairs bathroom had the sink.
So, when I needed to brush my teeth that meant I went upstairs. If a shower was in order I went downstairs.
It has turned out to be an early morning fitness opportunity. Since it was early in the morning, I would often get confused forgetting which toiletries were upstairs or downstairs.
Today I am proud to announce that I have the firmest hamstrings in probably my entire lifetime!
Today was a good day.
The cabinet people got the cabinets installed. Yahoo!
The carpet layers will finish up tomorrow.
And so, if there are not any squeaking wheels in the morning perhaps a plumber and electrician will show up and complete their projects.
Well, I’ve been at this blog for a long time. I think I’ll get up, stretch and take a few laps on my stairway.
I don’t want those hamstrings getting soft on me. 🙂
Until next time.