The announcement came in the mail a month or two ago and it read, “Join us for an authentic Ukrainian dinner. We’ll cast vision and seek support to forge new opportunities for READ Ministries and beyond.” Perhaps not all of you are familiar with my two books, “The Easter Sparrows” and “The First Advent” which have been published by Publishing House Smirna in the Ukraine. READ Ministries were largely responsible for bringing the two books to the Ukraine and having…..
Growing up in western Minnesota the first turkey I ever saw was on Thanksgiving morning when our mother lifted the cover off of the broiler pan and there a plump, brown, featherless turkey appeared. Two large drumsticks protruded above the bird’s body and usually resulted in four siblings fighting over who would make a meal of one of them. Little did I know that thirty years previous to the l950’s wild turkeys would have been rambling through our fields and…..